Saturday, August 13, 2011

How to delete an account

There are two methods.

Method 1

1. Press "Edit" button in main screen.

2. After pressing "Edit", following screen appears.

3. "Delete" button appears after pressing button. You can delete the account by pressing the "Delete" button.

4. You can also delete a folder by same operation as step3. If the folder have any item, a dialog appears as below. If you have no problem, press "OK" to delete the folder.

5. Edit mode ends by pressing "Done" button on top-right corner.

Method 2

Slide you finger to left or right on a account you want to delete. Then a "Delete" button appears. You can delete the account like method 1. You can cancel by pressing blank space.

Friday, August 12, 2011

How to add an account

1. Press "New Account" button in main screen.

2. You can set title, items, icon, and parent folder. Press "Add Item" to add an item.

3. You can edit an item by pressing it.

4. You can set title. And you can also set text or image. Press "Save" button on top right corner after editing the item.

5. Press "Save" button on top right corner to finish editing.